
Sydney Launch: 2023 Lowy Institute Poll - Australian attitudes to the world
Sydney Launch: 2023 Lowy Institute Poll - Australian attitudes to the world
At our event in Sydney we unpacked the findings of the 2023 Lowy Institute Poll with a panel of Lowy Institute experts.
Mon, 03 July 2023
Sports diplomacy: PNG and the NRL
Sports diplomacy: PNG and the NRL
Lowy Institute's Aus-PNG Network hosted this lunchtime event to explore the latest in Australia-PNG sports diplomacy.  The Hon Pat Conroy MP, Minister for International…
Tue, 27 June 2023
Building the Australia-PNG Digital Ecosystem
Building the Australia-PNG Digital Ecosystem
The launch of the outcomes of the 2022 Australia-PNG Emerging Leaders Dialogue
Tue, 13 June 2023
Sri Lanka’s debt crisis: preconditions, progress and politics
Sri Lanka’s debt crisis: preconditions, progress and politics
The Lowy Institute hosted this discussion about the road ahead for Sri Lanka as it works to resolve its debt crisis.
Fri, 09 June 2023
Launch event: Southeast Asia Aid Map
Launch event: Southeast Asia Aid Map
Mon, 05 June 2023