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Deterrence and alliance power: Why the AUKUS submarines matter and how they can be delivered
Deterrence and alliance power: Why the AUKUS submarines matter and how they can be delivered
A powerful presence in the underwater environment is core to Australia’s future defence and it can be delivered.
US allies are already worried about another round of Trump
US allies are already worried about another round of Trump
Originally published in The Atlantic.
Deterring at a distance: The strategic logic of AUKUS
Deterring at a distance: The strategic logic of AUKUS
With regional security anxieties rising, nuclear-powered submarines are the optimal deterrence machines.
The United States is more normal and less exceptional than you think
The United States is more normal and less exceptional than you think
Originally published in Channel News Asia on 25 October 2023.
The US needs a good president, and Biden’s been good for us
The US needs a good president, and Biden’s been good for us
Originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Chips, subsidies, security, and great power competition
Chips, subsidies, security, and great power competition
Motives in the tech competition between the United States and China pose increasingly difficult policy issues for other economies.
The chips are down for China
The chips are down for China
Forget Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Covid or war in Taiwan. A package of US export restrictions is set to kneecap China. Originally published in The Australian.
China Is Beating the U.S. in the Battle for Influence in Asia
China Is Beating the U.S. in the Battle for Influence in Asia
Originally published in The New York Times.