Alexandre Dayant

Deputy Director, Indo-Pacific Development Centre
Areas of expertise

Politics and economics in Asia and the Pacific; Aid and international development policy.

Alexandre Dayant
News and media

Alexandre Dayant is a senior economist and Deputy Director of the Indo-Pacific Development Centre, a dedicated policy research centre within the Lowy Institute. The Centre is committed to producing fresh policy insights and ideas on the most pressing economic development challenges facing the Indo-Pacific region — principally focusing on the emerging and developing economies of Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands and South Asia.

Alexandre directs both the Lowy Institute Pacific Aid Map and the Lowy Institute Southeast Asia Aid Map projects, which provide the world’s most comprehensive data tracking of all official aid and other development finance flows to the Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia.

His interests are in aid and development finance, and geoeconomics. He writes on Australian foreign policy, development issues, the Pacific Island countries and Europe. He has presented his work across the South Pacific, the United States and Asia, and has notably been invited to testify in front of the United States Congress and the French National Assembly.

Prior to joining the Institute in 2017, Alexandre worked as a management consultant for PwC in Mexico. He has a master’s degree in International and Development Economics from the Australian National University and a master’s degree in Econometrics from La Sorbonne, Paris. Alexandre speaks fluent French, English and Spanish.

Pacific Aid Map 2023 - Key Findings Report
Pacific Aid Map 2023 - Key Findings Report
The annual Pacific Aid Map — launched by the Lowy Institute in 2018 — is an analytical tool designed to improve aid and development effectiveness in the Pacific Islands region. It…
Pacific aid enters a new era
Pacific aid enters a new era
The latest Lowy Institute Pacific Aid Map demonstrates that there is no going back to the way things were.
2023 Pacific Aid Map
2023 Pacific Aid Map
Australia is the Pacific's largest development partner in our sixth annual interactive, mapping every aid project in the Pacific from 2008–2021 as the region faces new development…
Southeast Asia Aid Map - Key Findings Report
Southeast Asia Aid Map - Key Findings Report
The Lowy Institute Southeast Asia Aid Map is an analytical tool designed to improve aid and development effectiveness in Southeast Asia. This report profiles the 11…
Filling the gaps: The Southeast Asia Aid Map
Filling the gaps: The Southeast Asia Aid Map
Transparency is crucial amid an increasing geopolitical contest over development finance and cooperation in the region.
Southeast Asia Aid Map
Southeast Asia Aid Map
New interactive tracking more than 100,000 development projects, the most comprehensive assessment of development flows in Southeast Asia ever undertaken.
Chinese aid to the Pacific: decreasing, but not disappearing
Chinese aid to the Pacific: decreasing, but not disappearing
With fewer Chinese finances available and less demand from Pacific countries, geopolitical competition is opening up.