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Fear of military conflict on the rise in Australia
Fear of military conflict on the rise in Australia
In an opinion piece originally published in The Australian newspaper, Lowy Institute director of public opinion and foreign policy Natasha Kassam and research director…
Australia's South China Sea Challenges
Policy Briefs
Australia's South China Sea Challenges
Canberra needs to work with Southeast Asia to address looming South China Sea challenges from China and the US
Biden’s diplomatic team debut is heartening for Australia
Biden’s diplomatic team debut is heartening for Australia
Canberra wants Beijing and Washington to manage their contest, so that the rest of us can get on with making our way in the world. Originally published in the Australian Financial…
Lowy Institute Conversations: Zoe Daniel on the legacy of the Trump administration
Lowy Institute Conversations: Zoe Daniel on the legacy of the Trump administration
In this episode of Lowy Institute Conversations, Research Fellow Lydia Khalil sits down with Zoe Daniel to discuss her new book, Greetings from Trumpland.
China’s threat to the US makes us a power player
China’s threat to the US makes us a power player
There’s a seminal shift underway in Australia’s relationship with the US based on mutual need and Morrison’s determination to act more forcefully. Originally published in The…
Credit Biden’s bid for united states of democracy
Credit Biden’s bid for united states of democracy
Originally published in The Australian.
Lowy Institute Conversations: The United States and the Rules-Based Order
Lowy Institute Conversations: The United States and the Rules-Based Order
In this episode of Lowy Institute Conversations, Lowy Institute Director of Australia’s Security and the Rules-Based Order project, Ben Scott, sits down with Stacie Goddard and…
America’s best chance for unity
America’s best chance for unity
Published on 23 January 2021 in the Australian Financial Review.
Only a resilient democracy could have survived the mob violence
Only a resilient democracy could have survived the mob violence
Originally published in The Australian.