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COVIDcast: 2020 Asia Power Index
COVIDcast: 2020 Asia Power Index
In this episode of COVIDcast, Sam Roggeveen, Director of the Lowy Institute’s International Security Program, sits down with the two leading researchers behind the Lowy Institute…
The Director’s Chair: Dr Robert Dallek on the U.S. presidency and the 2020 election
The Director’s Chair: Dr Robert Dallek on the U.S. presidency and the 2020 election
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with Dr Robert Dallek, the distinguished presidential historian. 
2016 Event | An address from Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States
2016 Event | An address from Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States
In 2016, the Lowy Institute and the United States Studies Centre hosted then-Vice President, Joe Biden, on the Australia-US relationship.
The New Biden Administration: A Lowy Institute Collection
The New Biden Administration: A Lowy Institute Collection
On this page, we have curated the best publications, conversations and event recordings to help you understand the foreign policy implications of Joe Biden's presidency.
The Director’s Chair: Joe Biden's senior policy adviser Jake Sullivan, on Russia, China, climate diplomacy and Australia
The Director’s Chair: Joe Biden's senior policy adviser Jake Sullivan, on Russia, China, climate diplomacy and Australia
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with Jake Sullivan, the senior policy adviser to Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Joe Biden.
The US, not China, is Australia's most difficult relationship
The US, not China, is Australia's most difficult relationship
All the talk of “mateship” and ever “deepening ties” in relation to our alliance with the US tends to obscure the competitive nature of foreign policy. Originally published in the…
A dysfunctional America helps China – but hurts Australia and our region
A dysfunctional America helps China – but hurts Australia and our region
It doesn’t matter to Beijing who wins the presidential election. But a divided America may translate into an isolated Australia. Originally published in The Guardian.
From Australia, it's hard to comprehend the depredations on display at the US election
From Australia, it's hard to comprehend the depredations on display at the US election
The Republican party has been playing dirty electoral politics for decades. The Democrats are just not on the same playing field. Originally published in The Guardian.
The Director’s Chair: Dr Thomas Wright on the 2020 presidential election and US foreign policy
The Director’s Chair: Dr Thomas Wright on the 2020 presidential election and US foreign policy
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with one of the world’s leading Trumpologists, Dr Thomas Wright.