Gilliane De Gorostiza

Research Assistant, Pacific Aid Map
Gilliane De Gorostiza

Gilliane De Gorostiza was a Research Assistant at the Lowy Institute working on the Pacific Aid Map. Her research interests include foreign policy in Asia and the Pacific, nowcasting, and identifying sources of persistent changes in macroeconomic and financial conditions.

Prior to joining the Institute in 2023, Gilliane worked as an Economic Researcher at the Asian Development Bank, where she contributed to ADB's flagship publication, the Asian Development Outlook (ADO), and a range of Knowledge and Support Technical Assistance (KSTA) projects. She also gained valuable experience working in various Philippine government agencies, including the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA), the House of Representatives — Ways and Means Committee, and the Department of Science and Technology (DOST).

Gilliane holds an MSc in Industrial Economics from the University of Asia and the Pacific in the Philippines and is currently completing her PhD in Economics at the University of Sydney.

Constrained Recovery: Global Shocks and Emerging Southeast Asia
Data Snapshot
Constrained Recovery: Global Shocks and Emerging Southeast Asia
How growth and development in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam have been reshaped by the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Measuring the climate cost to Pacific development
Measuring the climate cost to Pacific development
Originally published in Samoa Observer, 4 November 2023.
Measuring the climate cost to Pacific development
Measuring the climate cost to Pacific development
International assistance is not keeping up with intensifying rate and scale of disasters in the region.
Pacific Aid Map 2023 - Key Findings Report
Pacific Aid Map 2023 - Key Findings Report
The annual Pacific Aid Map — launched by the Lowy Institute in 2018 — is an analytical tool designed to improve aid and development effectiveness in the Pacific Islands region. It…
2023 Pacific Aid Map
2023 Pacific Aid Map
Australia is the Pacific's largest development partner in our sixth annual interactive, mapping every aid project in the Pacific from 2008–2021 as the region faces new development…
The Fix: Chipping in
The Fix: Chipping in
In this new Interpreter feature, we’re inviting short observations about issues or resources that might otherwise be missed.