Dr Jessica Collins
Aid to Pacific Islands, Pacific development policy, Pacific women’s development, Pacific Island politics, remittances.

Dr Jessica Collins is Project Director of the Australia-PNG Network and a Research Fellow in the Pacific Islands Program at the Lowy Institute. The Australia-PNG Network builds links and understanding between the two countries, strengthening connections across politics, business, sport, education, civil society, arts and culture, religion, media, and development. The Pacific Islands Program focuses on contemporary challenges facing the region, including geostrategic competition, governance and leadership, sustainable economic development, and Australia’s relationship with Pacific countries and organisations.
Jessica undertakes research projects on Pacific economic sustainability, including remittances, regional financial architecture, and correspondent banking relationships. She has also surveyed trends in development financing related to Pacific women’s advancement, using Pacific Aid Map data. Jessica comments and publishes widely on Australia’s Pacific Islands policy and Pacific women in politics, sport, and business.
Prior to joining the Institute, Jessica completed a PhD on the resettlement of refugees from Myanmar, and a master’s degree in Global Development. Her Honours project involved research with Samoan communities in Australia, and her undergraduate studies focused on Pacific Islands communities.