Funding & Support
We gratefully acknowledge our funding partners, whose support sustains the Institute.

How we are funded
The Lowy Institute is an Australian non-profit organisation. It is a public company limited by guarantee and operated exclusively for charitable purposes.
The Lowy Institute was established in 2003 with a gift from Sir Frank Lowy AC. This gift fully funded the Institute during its early years of operation. Over time the Institute has diversified its income base, although the Lowy family continues to provide the Institute with a grant to assist its annual funding. The Institute raises the remainder of its funds from:
- Membership and sponsorships from private sector and government entities.
- Grants from the Australian Government.
- Subscriptions and ticket sales for events.
- Philanthropic donations from private individuals.
Maintaining a significant diversity of funding sources is important to the Lowy Institute since this ensures that no single person, government or entity can influence our research. We also ensure the independence of our research through appropriate clauses in all grant funding agreements and we conduct a rigorous research-commissioning process and insist on independent peer reviews. Where we conduct commissioned research we require that findings and conclusions are independently determined and the resulting research is published and the funding source is acknowledged. The Institute also has a long-standing practice of not adopting house positions on issues and is non-partisan in its operation. Our researchers publish in their own names. There are often healthy differences of opinion between Institute researchers and authors on international issues. We are home to many different views but the advocate of none. We also have a strong conflict of interest policy to which our staff must adhere.
We gratefully acknowledge all our funding partners. Their support sustains the Institute and ensures the quality and independence of our work.
Principal donor
Lowy Foundation
The Lowy Institute was established in 2003 with a gift from Mr Frank Lowy AC. This gift fully funded the Institute during its first years of operation. Over time the Institute has diversified its income base, although the Lowy family continues to provide the Institute with annual funding. The Institute raises the remainder of its funds from business, governments, foundations and private individuals.
Michael and Deborah Thawley
Michael and Deborah Thawley fund an annual prize for an early career official or officer. The prize enables the winner to gain exposure to the work of the Lowy Institute and US think tank CSIS, based in Washington DC.

Grant funders
Australian Government
The Australian government funds the Pacific Research Program, the Pacific Aid Map, Mapping Aid in Southeast Asia, the AUS-PNG network, the Indo-Pacific Development Futures project and work on Geopolitics in the Pacific through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; and the Distinguished Fellow for International Security through the Department of Defence.
Foundation for Development Cooperation
The FDC Pacific Fellow and FDC Pacific lecture were established with a gift from the Foundation for Development Cooperation.
Sponsors and Partners

Amazon, BHP and Scentre Group were Major Sponsors of the Lowy Lecture 2023.

Boeing were Key Supporter of the 2023 Lowy Lecture; Rothschild are Sponsor of the Distinguished International Fellowship.
Please direct any questions regarding membership, donations or sponsorship to Head of Partnerships, Mikaela Lui.
- Tel: +61 2 8238 9000
- Email: mlui[at]
I thank all our funders for their support. The growing investment in the Institute provides a tangible signal that what we do is valued by business, government and individuals in Australia and internationally.