Ian Parmeter

Ian Parmeter is a Middle East specialist at ANU's Centre for Arab & Islamic Studies. He was formerly Australia's ambassador to Lebanon and counsellor at Australia's embassy in Moscow.

Iran: Could Australia’s hostage diplomacy have been better?
A public campaign by Australia’s government to try to shame Iran into freeing Kylie Moore-Gilbert would not have worked.

Israel’s democracy: a systemic problem
Israel will go to the polls for the third time in less than a year. What makes it so hard for a clear winner to emerge?

Will Trump win big from killing Soleimani?
It’s not clear how Iran for all its bluster of revenge will be able to hit back at the US.

Israel’s Arabs awaken to their electoral power
Arab Israelis have been slow to realise their potential pivotal role in the nation’s politics. That’s changing.

Will Israeli voters give Bibi a “get out of jail” card?
The corruption allegations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are the subtext to the elections on 17 September.