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Enduring ties and enduring interests?
Policy Briefs
Enduring ties and enduring interests?
Largely as a consequence of military deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, Australia has developed strong defence ties with key GCC countries. But with these deployments coming to…
Turning the tide: improving access to climate financing in the Pacific Islands
Policy Briefs
Turning the tide: improving access to climate financing in the Pacific Islands
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) commits developed countries to provide climate financing to developing nations, to address climate impacts on…
Living with the dragon: why Australia needs a China strategy
Policy Briefs
Living with the dragon: why Australia needs a China strategy
In this Policy Brief, Lowy Institute Non-resident Senior Fellow, Professor Alan Dupont argues that Australia has failed to grasp the full implications of China’s meteoric rise or…
Policy overboard: Australia increasingly costly Fiji drift
Policy Briefs
Policy overboard: Australia increasingly costly Fiji drift
In this Policy Brief, Jenny Hayward-Jones, Director of The Myer Foundation Melanesia Program at the Lowy Institute, argues that Australia should redefine its relationship with…
China in the Pacific: the new banker in town
Policy Briefs
China in the Pacific: the new banker in town
This is the fourth Lowy Institute report on China’s aid program in the Pacific. The series, covering the period 2005-2009, offer the most detailed picture available of China’s…
Revitalising Papua New Guinea’s health system: the need for creative approaches
Policy Briefs
Revitalising Papua New Guinea’s health system: the need for creative approaches
The scale of public health challenges in Papua New Guinea heightens the need to improve management capacity and ensure value for money. Proposed changes to health facility…
Dropping the autopilot: improving Australia defence diplomacy
Policy Briefs
Dropping the autopilot: improving Australia defence diplomacy
Australia’s military forces have often acted as effective agents of international policy. But while defence diplomacy has complemented Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade…
A digital DFAT: joining the 21st century
Policy Briefs
A digital DFAT: joining the 21st century
Ediplomacy is no longer a boutique extra. Serious foreign ministries are embracing it to do their jobs more effectively and efficiently. Australia’s own Department of Foreign…
Confronting the Crisis of International Climate Policy
Policy Briefs
Confronting the Crisis of International Climate Policy
Copenhagen failed to produce an agreement on climate change commensurate with the scale of the problem, highlighting the fundamental weaknesses in the existing UN framework. …