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Papua New Guinea: Seven snapshots of a nation
Papua New Guinea: Seven snapshots of a nation
The Lowy Institute has produced seven papers assessing the contemporary challenges facing Papua New Guinea in 2017. Bal Kama , Jenny Hayward-Jones , Paul Barker , Jonathan…
Clear waters and green mountains: Will Xi Jinping take the lead on climate change?
Clear waters and green mountains: Will Xi Jinping take the lead on climate change?
President Trump’s retreat on climate change put China ‘in the driver’s seat’. But to really demonstrate leadership, China needs to green its overseas investments. Sam Geall
US–Vietnam relations under President Trump
US–Vietnam relations under President Trump
Under President Obama the bilateral relationship between the United States and Vietnam flourished. Despite some misgivings about the future direction of US policy in the region…
Autopilot: East Asia policy under Trump
Autopilot: East Asia policy under Trump
Donald Trump has put US policy in East Asia on autopilot. But that could leave the United States far off course — and in a crisis, Trump will be required to fly the plane. Aaron…
An accident waiting to happen: Trump, Putin and the US–Russia relationship
An accident waiting to happen: Trump, Putin and the US–Russia relationship
How US–Russia relations have sunk to a new low under the most pro-Kremlin president in history. Bobo Lo
Xi Jinping's moment
Xi Jinping's moment
Xi Jinping, a politically daring, economically cautious, Chinese leader is certain to win a second five-year term at the 19th Party Congress, but his harsh line…
Neither friend nor foe: Pakistan, the United States and the war in Afghanistan
Neither friend nor foe: Pakistan, the United States and the war in Afghanistan
The Trump administration's Afghanistan policy suggests that the United States will exert greater pressure on Pakistan, but no amount of US foreign assistance…
Managing economic risk in Asia: A strategy for Australia
Managing economic risk in Asia: A strategy for Australia
Australia can use its economic diplomacy to manage economic risks in the region, and should engage with the International Monetary Fund and regional partners to close gaps in…
A Global Compact on Refugees: The role of Australia
A Global Compact on Refugees: The role of Australia
Australia has a vested interest and particular experience and expertise to contribute to the Global Compact on Refugees in order to institute a more effective and equitable…