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Australia's South China Sea Challenges
Policy Briefs
Australia's South China Sea Challenges
Canberra needs to work with Southeast Asia to address looming South China Sea challenges from China and the US
Chinese-Australians in the Australian Public Service
Policy Briefs
Chinese-Australians in the Australian Public Service
Underutilised in the Australian Public Service, Chinese-Australians are central to our China literacy and future engagement with the rising global superpower.
Eyes on the Prize: Australia, China, and the Antarctic Treaty System
Policy Briefs
Eyes on the Prize: Australia, China, and the Antarctic Treaty System
Despite China’s increasing assertiveness in Antarctica, the Antarctic Treaty System is not failing and Australia should refrain from geostrategic panic 
Avoiding a Pacific Lost Decade: Financing the Pacific's COVID-19 Recovery
Policy Briefs
Avoiding a Pacific Lost Decade: Financing the Pacific's COVID-19 Recovery
The Pacific's post-pandemic economic revival will rely on an international multi-year recovery package of grants and loans led by Australia  
Keeping Indonesia’s Economy Afloat Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Policy Briefs
Keeping Indonesia’s Economy Afloat Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Well-crafted emergency financing from Bank Indonesia and international partners such as Australia could be pivotal in getting Indonesia through this crisis
Emerging from COVID: Policy Responses to the Pandemic
Policy Briefs
Emerging from COVID: Policy Responses to the Pandemic
Lowy Institute experts provide policy recommendations for Australia to address issues that are critical to our nation's — and the world's — successful emergence from the pandemic.
Taiwan Flashpoint: What Australia Can Do to Stop the Coming Taiwan Crisis
Policy Briefs
Taiwan Flashpoint: What Australia Can Do to Stop the Coming Taiwan Crisis
Australian diplomacy could ease rising tensions across the Taiwan Strait, if Australian policymakers rediscovered an appetite for involvement in the flashpoint.
When Turnbull meets Trump
Policy Briefs
When Turnbull meets Trump
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s first face-to-face meeting with President Donald Trump is an opportunity to deliver some key messages about the role the United States should…
The shape of Australia’s future engagement with the United Nations
Policy Briefs
The shape of Australia’s future engagement with the United Nations
Australia should strengthen its engagement with the United Nations to ensure it has a greater voice on global issues that matter to its national interests. Photo:Flickr/United…