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Indonesia and Australia: time for a step change
Policy Briefs
Indonesia and Australia: time for a step change
The relationship with Indonesia is one of Australia’s most important but it is still not on a firm footing. Government-to-government ties have been strengthening but relations are…
Capital flows, the carry trade and and in the wheels'
Policy Briefs
Capital flows, the carry trade and and in the wheels'
The 'carry trade', in which capital shifts from countries with low interest rates to countries with significantly higher rates, has become an important element of international…
Obama surge
Policy Briefs
Obama surge
In a new Lowy Institute Policy Brief, West Asia Program Director Anthony Bubalo considers the implications of President Obama’s decision to send additional US troops to…
Problems to partnership: a plan for Australia-India strategic ties
Policy Briefs
Problems to partnership: a plan for Australia-India strategic ties
Australia and India must not squander the chance to build a strategic partnership, argues Rory Medcalf. Bilateral difficulties over student welfare have at least focused high…
Caught in the crossfire: the Pashtun tribes of Southeast Afghanistan
Policy Briefs
Caught in the crossfire: the Pashtun tribes of Southeast Afghanistan
In a new Lowy Institute Policy Brief, Tom Gregg argues the importance of a more effective engagement of Afghanistan’s tribes, particularly in the country’s south east.Tom Gregg
A G-20 caucus for East Asia
Policy Briefs
A G-20 caucus for East Asia
In September 2009, the Pittsburgh Summit designated the G-20 as the world’s premier forum for international cooperation. The G-20 gives East Asia a significant presence at the top…
Rebuilding Zimbabwe: Australia role in supporting the transition
Policy Briefs
Rebuilding Zimbabwe: Australia role in supporting the transition
Last month marked the first anniversary of the 2008 power-sharing accord that resulted in the creation of a new unity government in Zimbabwe. Joel Negin and Jolyon Ford assess…
Unconventional partners: Australia-India cooperation in reducing nuclear dangers
Policy Briefs
Unconventional partners: Australia-India cooperation in reducing nuclear dangers
In this Policy Brief, International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf and his Indian co-author Amandeep Gill argue that an innovative partnership between Australia and India…
External imbalances and the G20
Policy Briefs
External imbalances and the G20
In a new Policy Brief, Stephen Grenville argues that the Global Financial Crisis has changed the form of the external imbalances problem, but not removed it.   Stephen…