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Drug trafficking in the Pacific Islands: The impact of transnational crime
Drug trafficking in the Pacific Islands: The impact of transnational crime
The Pacific has become a lucrative drug corridor, driven by cartels, criminal organisations, and local gangs. Regional states and traditional partners must act rapidly and…
Big data and national security: A guide for Australian policymakers
Big data and national security: A guide for Australian policymakers
Data abundance, digital connectivity, and ubiquitous technology are redefining national security and the way governments protect individual rights and freedoms. This Analysis…
The internet of things: China’s rise and Australia’s choices
The internet of things: China’s rise and Australia’s choices
The digital networks of East and Southeast Asia are increasingly dominated by China’s tech, creating social, economic, and security challenges that must be managed
Lines blurred: Chinese community organisations in Australia
Lines blurred: Chinese community organisations in Australia
Examining the impact of Australia’s foreign interference debate and Beijing’s reach in Chinese-Australian community organisations.
China, climate politics and COP26
China, climate politics and COP26
Success at the Glasgow climate change conference relies on China accelerating its energy transition, and the United States and other rich countries making an effective alternative…
Translating Tension: Chinese-language media in Australia
Translating Tension: Chinese-language media in Australia
A new report into Australia’s Chinese-language media content examines the news landscape of one of the country’s largest diaspora communities.
Australia and the Growing Reach of China’s Military
Australia and the Growing Reach of China’s Military
Beijing’s maritime and aerospace capabilities will have serious implications in the event of an Indo-Pacific power play.
Jagged sphere
Jagged sphere
China’s quest for infrastructure and influence in mainland Southeast Asia
Countering China’s Adventurism over Taiwan: A Third Way
Countering China’s Adventurism over Taiwan: A Third Way
As America’s policy choices narrow to two extremes, a new proposal for a middle path