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A game of high stakes on the high seas
A game of high stakes on the high seas
Originally published in The Australian
Why the Peak China story is overdone
Why the Peak China story is overdone
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review
Geopolitics in the Pacific Islands: Playing for advantage
Policy Briefs
Geopolitics in the Pacific Islands: Playing for advantage
Competition among development partners in the region needs to be harnessed to lift standards and development outcomes.
The Myanmar Junta: Live by the Gun, Die by the Gun?
The Myanmar Junta: Live by the Gun, Die by the Gun?
Originally published on The Diplomat
Seeing India-China ties through Taiwan
Seeing India-China ties through Taiwan
Originally published in The Hindustan Times
Pacific Change Makers: NZ High Commissioner Dame Annette King on the Pacific, geopolitical competition, and her time serving in Australia
Pacific Change Makers: NZ High Commissioner Dame Annette King on the Pacific, geopolitical competition, and her time serving in Australia
In this episode of Pacific Change Makers, Research Fellow of the Lowy Institute’s Pacific Islands Program Dr Jess Collins speaks with Dame Annette King about her role as New…
Why Taiwan’s election is a disaster for China and dilemma for the West
Why Taiwan’s election is a disaster for China and dilemma for the West
Originally published on the Australian Financial Review