Programs & Projects

The Pacific Islands Program

The Pacific Islands Program

A focus on Pacific Islands has been a central component of the Lowy Institute’s work for more than a decade. We research contemporary challenges facing the Pacific islands region in areas including geostrategic competition, sustainable economic development, governance and leadership challenges, poverty alleviation, and Australia’s relationship with Pacific countries and organisations. We also hold major conferences, workshops, dialogues and exchanges. We have produced influential work on Australia’s Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands, the 2006 Fiji Coup, normalising Australia’s bilateral relationship with Fiji, Australia’s bilateral relationship with Papua New Guinea, the future development challenges of Papua New Guinea, the economic benefits of greater labour mobility between Australia and the South Pacific, security and resilience dynamics in the Pacific, and foreign aid flows in the Pacific.

The Institute manages four major projects focusing on the Pacific:

The Pacific Research Program (PRP) is a consortium partnership between the Lowy Institute and the Australian National University’s Department of Pacific Affairs and Development Policy Centre, with the support of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The PRP is designed to be a globally pre-eminent centre of excellence for research on the Pacific. Read more details .

The program contributes to the Lowy Institute Pacific Aid Map which is supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and is designed to enhance aid effectiveness in the Pacific.

The Australia-PNG Network is a project supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, designed to foster people-to-people links between Australia and Papua New Guinea. Read more details.

The South Pacific Fragile States Project was a project supported by the Department of Defence to produce independent research and forward looking analysis on the key drivers of instability in the South Pacific and the associated security challenges for Australia and the wider region. Read more details.

The Mapping Foreign Assistance in the Pacific Project

The Lowy Institute Pacific Aid Map is an analytical tool designed to enhance aid effectiveness in the Pacific by improving coordination, alignment, and accountability of foreign aid through enhanced transparency of aid flows. The Pacific Aid Map has collected data on close to 13,000 projects in 14 countries supplied by 62 donors from 2011 onwards. All data has been made freely available on this interactive platform, allowing users to investigate and manipulate the information in a variety of ways. The Pacific Aid Map is supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Country profiles from Pacific Islands countries can be found here.

The Chinese Aid in the Pacific map is no longer maintained, and the data can be found in the Acidic Aid Map.

Latest publications
News and media
Partnering in the Pacific with Maho Laveil
Partnering in the Pacific with Maho Laveil
A podcast by Good Will Hunters.
PNG looks to enhance its foreign investment regime
PNG looks to enhance its foreign investment regime
This article originally appeared in the Economist Intelligence Unit, 16 January 2023.
Australia cements ties with PNG, reinforces role in Pacific
Australia cements ties with PNG, reinforces role in Pacific
This article originally appeared in the Economist Intelligence Unit, 16 January 2023.
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Pacific Change Makers: Pacific Fusion Centre - Breaking new ground in a contested Pacific?
  The Pacific Fusion Centre is a new Pacific regional body aiming to critically analyse the pressing security issues facing the Pacific Islands and better inform decision…
Pacific Aid Map 2022
Pacific Aid Map 2022
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Vaccinating the Pacific
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Telstra’s Digicel Pacific challenge
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Lowy Institute Conversations: Richard Marles on Australia in the Pacific
In this episode of Conversations, Jonathan Pryke speaks with Richard Marles.
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The Pacific went a year without COVID. Now, it’s all under threat
Originally published by The Conversation.
Coronavirus: PNG is on the precipice and it needs an urgent intervention
Coronavirus: PNG is on the precipice and it needs an urgent intervention
Originally published in The Australian.
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Australian Associated Press
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