Programs & Projects

The International Security Program

The International Security Program

The International Security Program looks at strategic dynamics and security risks globally, with an emphasis on Australia's region of Indo-Pacific Asia. Its research spans strategic competition and the risks of conflict in Asia, security implications of the rise of China and India, maritime security, nuclear arms control, Australian defence policy and the changing character of conflict. The Program draws on a network of experts in Australia, Asia and globally, and is supported by diverse funding sources including grants from the MacArthur Foundation and the Nuclear Threat Initiative. It convenes international policy dialogues such as the 2017 Australia-ROK Emerging Leaders International Security Forum and has a record of producing leading-edge, influential reports.

Latest publications
News and media
Australia and South Korea: Time to expand co-operation
Australia and South Korea: Time to expand co-operation
This week the Lowy Institute's International Security Program, supported by the Korea Foundation, is hosting the Australia-Republic of Korea (ROK) Emerging Leaders…
Trump's CIA speech reveals a challenge to America's 'deep state'
Trump's CIA speech reveals a challenge to America's 'deep state'
Yesterday, in his first official engagement as President, Donald Trump visited CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia where he gave a 15-minute televised speech in front of the…
Missed opportunities at the Australia-Japan summit
Missed opportunities at the Australia-Japan summit
Although it took place at Kirribilli House, just around the corner from where I live, I can unfortunately claim no inside information on last weekend’s Sydney summit between Prime…
'Tis the season to be wary
'Tis the season to be wary
The advent season has brought with it a renewed focus on the globalised nature of terrorism. This week’s grim tally of atrocities includes the assassination of the Russian…
China pressures Singapore with seizure of military hardware
China pressures Singapore with seizure of military hardware
Euan Graham writes in the Nikkei Asian Review on the seizure of several Singaporean armoured vehicles being shipped through Hong Kong. Euan Graham
National Interests and the Role of Major and Middle Powers in the South China Sea: Australia’s Cautiously Calibrated Approach
Journal Articles
National Interests and the Role of Major and Middle Powers in the South China Sea: Australia’s Cautiously Calibrated Approach
In this National Asian Security Studies Program Issue Brief (published by UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy), Euan Graham examines Australia's approach to…
Neil, an Australian terrorist
Neil, an Australian terrorist
The detention of Neil Prakash is of significant interest to Australia but perhaps less so for other countries. At this point, so little is known among open sources about the…
Trump and the Iran nuclear deal
Trump and the Iran nuclear deal
The election of Donald Trump raises many uncertainties about the future direction of US foreign policy, including nuclear weapons and nuclear non-proliferation. A major…
The risks and ramifications of Trump's impulsive adventurism
The risks and ramifications of Trump's impulsive adventurism
'The prospect of a game of nuclear chicken between two cocksure hustlers like Kim Jong-un and Trump is deeply unsettling; more so if it comes at the front end of Trump’s learning…
More Indonesian maritime co-operation remains an elusive goal
More Indonesian maritime co-operation remains an elusive goal
Jakarta is only very slowly responding to Canberra's overtures for more joint security at sea. We have no choice but to persevere, writes Euan Graham. Originally published in The…