Programs & Projects

The International Security Program

The International Security Program

The International Security Program looks at strategic dynamics and security risks globally, with an emphasis on Australia's region of Indo-Pacific Asia. Its research spans strategic competition and the risks of conflict in Asia, security implications of the rise of China and India, maritime security, nuclear arms control, Australian defence policy and the changing character of conflict. The Program draws on a network of experts in Australia, Asia and globally, and is supported by diverse funding sources including grants from the MacArthur Foundation and the Nuclear Threat Initiative. It convenes international policy dialogues such as the 2017 Australia-ROK Emerging Leaders International Security Forum and has a record of producing leading-edge, influential reports.

Latest publications
News and media
Trump, Kim and the North Korean nuclear missile melodrama
Trump, Kim and the North Korean nuclear missile melodrama
The Trump–Kim summit is a distinct new phase in the dramatic cycle that defines the North Korea nuclear issue and the peninsula’s highly theatrical brand of geopolitics. Euan…
Is ASEAN still central to Australia?
Is ASEAN still central to Australia?
In March, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will welcome the ten leaders of ASEAN to Sydney for a special summit focusing on business and security ties. This is the first time…
Canberra looks for new bridges over troubled waters
Canberra looks for new bridges over troubled waters
Faced with a distracted US and an increasingly assertive China, Australia needs, more than ever, friends and partners in the region. Originally published in the Straits Times.Euan…
China: Contradictions in climate leadership
China: Contradictions in climate leadership
This article is part of a series for the Australia-UK Asia Dialogue, co-hosted by the Lowy Institute and Ditchley Foundation, and supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs…
Does the nuclear weapon ban treaty warrant the Nobel Prize?
Does the nuclear weapon ban treaty warrant the Nobel Prize?
This year’s Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) for: Its work to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian…
Converging approaches on Chinese investment
Converging approaches on Chinese investment
This article is part of a series for the Australia-UK Asia Dialogue, co-hosted by the Lowy Institute and Ditchley Foundation, and supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs…
Advancing the Quad through diversification
Advancing the Quad through diversification
This article is part of a series for the Australia-UK Asia Dialogue, co-hosted by the Lowy Institute and Ditchley Foundation, and supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs…
The UK embraces an expansive impulse in international security
The UK embraces an expansive impulse in international security
This article is part of a series for the Australia-UK Asia Dialogue, co-hosted by the Lowy Institute and Ditchley Foundation, and supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs…
Still room to improve on Australia-UK counter-terrorism collaboration
Still room to improve on Australia-UK counter-terrorism collaboration
This article is part of a series for the Australia-UK Asia Dialogue, co-hosted by the Lowy Institute and Ditchley Foundation, and supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs…
Australia-UK cooperation on the rules-based order
Australia-UK cooperation on the rules-based order
This article is part of a series for the Australia-UK Asia Dialogue, co-hosted by the Lowy Institute and Ditchley Foundation, and supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs…
RCTI+ (Indonesia)
11 February 2023
The New York Times
10 February 2023
The Australian Financial Review
16 December 2022
Australian Associated Press
12 December 2022
The Australian
25 November 2022
ABC RN Between The Lines
20 November 2022
ABC RN Breakfast
8 November 2022
The Australian
3 November 2022