David Brewster

David Brewster

Dr David Brewster is with the National Security College at the Australian National University, where he specialises in South Asian and Indian Ocean strategic affairs. He is also a Distinguished Research Fellow with the Australia India Institute. His previous career was as a corporate lawyer working on complex cross-border transactions and he practiced for almost two decades in the United States, England, France and Australia. 

Dr Brewster is the author of The India-Australia Security Engagement:  Challenges and Opportunities, which examines security and defence cooperation between India and Australia.  His books include India as an Asia Pacific power which considers India’s strategic role in the Asia Pacific, and India’s Ocean: the story of India’s bid for regional leadership which examines India’s security role and relationships in the Indian Ocean region.

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Bangladesh’s new military-led government has a tough job ahead
The Army has little appetite to stay in power. But it will be a messy and drawn-out job to restore civilian rule.
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Girt by sea: Redrawing Australia’s mental map
A big part of the challenge is asking the hard questions – and a new book does just that.
Mapping the oceans is the new front in the battle for influence in the Indian Ocean
Mapping the oceans is the new front in the battle for influence in the Indian Ocean
Ruling the waves means first understanding what lies beneath. Enter the geopolitics of hydrography.
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Australia must work with Bangladesh to stop the Rohingya boats
Extra aid is welcome. The next task is to build Bangladesh’s capabilities.
Postcard from Mayotte
Postcard from Mayotte
A French Indian Ocean territory that desperately wants to stay that way.
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Crunch time on Rohingya refugees
By bolstering assistance to Bangladesh, Australia can avoid a new source of maritime arrivals.
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Rethinking the Maldives-India security relationship
Finding the right balance for foreign partnerships will mean hard choices. Here are some practical first steps.
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Is ‘India Out’ of Maldives?
A new government may be forced to straddle the India-China divide.