Daniel Flitton

Managing Editor, The Interpreter
Areas of expertise

Australian foreign policy and politics; Australia’s intelligence services; international relations in Asia

Daniel Flitton

Daniel Flitton is one of Australia’s most experienced foreign affairs journalists and is now Managing Editor of the Lowy Institute’s international magazine, The Interpreter.

Before joining the Institute, he was diplomatic editor and senior correspondent at The Age in Melbourne and was posted as a political correspondent in the parliament house bureau in Canberra. Daniel previously worked as an analyst for the Office of National Assessments, Australia’s peak intelligence assessment agency. He has held academic positions at the Australian National University and at Deakin University, where he developed a breadth of knowledge on Asia, the Middle East, and the Pacific. As a Fulbright scholar in 2004, he researched the Australia–United States alliance at Georgetown University in Washington DC.

Madeleine Albright: “I have come a long way, so I must be frank”
Madeleine Albright: “I have come a long way, so I must be frank”
The first woman to serve as US Secretary of State also inspired the first woman to be Australia’s Foreign Minister.
Keeping Australian uranium out of Russian hands – and bombs
Keeping Australian uranium out of Russian hands – and bombs
After MH17 was shot down the Abbott government banned yellowcake sales to Russia. But then struck a deal with Ukraine…
Putin seeks to rewrite history
Putin seeks to rewrite history
The Russian leader wants to turn the preferred language of sovereignty and governance back on the West.
New book looks at the dobbers who did their work for ASIO
New book looks at the dobbers who did their work for ASIO
Originally published in The Age.
A test of Australia’s place in the world
A test of Australia’s place in the world
For a sporting nation, why doesn’t competition with the region hold more appeal?
That 70s show for an Interpreter 2021 favourite
That 70s show for an Interpreter 2021 favourite
No, not a television re-run. A book about the enduring power of personality over world politics.
Jake Sullivan on the challenges “no one country can solve” 
Jake Sullivan on the challenges “no one country can solve” 
The White House National Security Adviser stressed the chance for cooperation even in a challenging global era.
Alliance management – a history in pictures
Alliance management – a history in pictures
In a game of diplomatic spot-the-difference, a sense of continuity is evident at recent AUSMIN meetings.
Personality in foreign policy
Personality in foreign policy
How leaders interact and are judged can shape a country’s approach to the world as much as economics or military might.