Programs & Projects

Digital Threats to Democracy

Transnational Challenges Program

The Transnational Challenges Program examines issues that cut across both international relations and national security domains, including terrorism and extremism, disinformation, foreign interference, as well as the impacts of digital technologies and artificial intelligence on security and society.

The program currently manages a number of projects examining new forms of violent extremism, the shifting counter-terrorism landscape, digital threats to democracy, the mapping of democratic erosion and points of intervention. The program also contributes to the Institute’s core publications, podcasts and events, and public engagement through media commentary and consultations with government and industry stakeholders.

Latest publications
News and media
“Should democracies ever lie?” Sort of. Maybe. Not really
“Should democracies ever lie?” Sort of. Maybe. Not really
The good functioning of liberal democracies relies on a healthy information environment. For citizens to make well-informed, free choices, public discourse must be authentic and …
India’s social media crackdown is a challenge to the rules-based order
India’s social media crackdown is a challenge to the rules-based order
It has been an eventful 18-months in the battle between the Modi government in India and foreign technology companies.In February 2021, the Modi government introduced new laws on…
Rules Based Audio: What are we getting wrong about online manipulation?
Rules Based Audio: What are we getting wrong about online manipulation?
In this episode of Rules Based Audio, Sasha Fegan talks to Carl Miller about online manipulation, disinformation, misinformation and inauthentic behaviour.
Big data and national security: A guide for Australian policymakers
Big data and national security: A guide for Australian policymakers
Data abundance, digital connectivity, and ubiquitous technology are redefining national security and the way governments protect individual rights and freedoms. This Analysis…
Lowy Institute Conversations: Stan Grant on identity, liberalism and the future of democracy
Lowy Institute Conversations: Stan Grant on identity, liberalism and the future of democracy
In this episode of Conversations, Lydia Khalil talks with Stan Grant on the tensions between identity and liberalism and what that means for the future of democracy
Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security: Inquiry into extremist movements and radicalism in Australia
Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security: Inquiry into extremist movements and radicalism in Australia
On 19 February, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Lydia Khalil made a submission to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Intelligence and Security inquiry into extremist movements…
Digital Authoritarianism, China and COVID
Digital Authoritarianism, China and COVID
The coronavirus has showcased China's cyber-powered social control capabilities, with implications for human rights worldwide.
Exporting Digital Authoritarianism, with Alina Polyakova
Exporting Digital Authoritarianism, with Alina Polyakova
Episode 16 of Rules Based Audio explores the use of digital technology by authoritarian regimes to monitor, manipulate and control both domestic and foreign populations.
Paradigm shift: Understanding propaganda in the digital age
Paradigm shift: Understanding propaganda in the digital age
Influence operations in the digital age are not merely propaganda with new tools. They represent an evolved form of manipulation which present actors with endless…