This article is more than 4 years old
Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into the Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Australia's Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Joint submission by Lowy Institute researchers to the JSCFADT inquiry into the implications of the pandemic.
Michael Fullilove,
Stephen Grenville,
John Edwards,
Sam Roggeveen,
Lydia Khalil,
Alex Oliver,
Annmaree O’Keeffe,
Richard McGregor,
Bonnie S Glaser,
Jonathan Pryke,
Hervé Lemahieu,
Alexandre Dayant,
Ben Bland,
Roland Rajah,
Shane McLeod,
Natasha Kassam,
Ben Scott
7 August 2020

The full submission can be downloaded using the download button in the top banner above.
Areas of expertise:
Australian foreign policy; US politics and foreign policy; Asia and the Pacific; Global institutions
Areas of expertise:
Regional economic integration; Australia's economic relations with East Asia; international financial flows and the global financial architecture; financial sector development in East Asia
Areas of expertise:
Australian economic policy; monetary policy; international economics; banking
Areas of expertise:
Australian foreign and defence policy, China’s military forces, US defence and foreign policy, drones and other military technology. Also, trends in global democracy.
Areas of expertise:
Terrorism and violent extremism; digital technology; disinformation; authoritarianism; national security; emergency management and countering violent extremism; crisis and natural disasters; radicalisation; counterterrorism; policy; Middle East; US national security
Areas of expertise:
Public opinion polling; Australian and international diplomacy, public diplomacy and consular affairs
Areas of expertise:
Pacific and PNG; international development assistance; international health challenges; global issues impacting on indigenous peoples
Areas of expertise:
China’s political system and the workings and structure of the communist party; China’s foreign relations, with an emphasis on ties with Japan, the two Koreas, and Southeast Asia; Australia’s relations with Asia.
Areas of expertise:
International security; defence and security; Chinese defence policy
Areas of expertise:
Pacific economic development; Australia-Melanesia relations; Australian foreign aid and the Pacific
Areas of expertise:
Strategy and geopolitics; global governance; Australian foreign policy; Southeast Asia; Data analysis
Areas of expertise:
Politics and economics in Asia and the Pacific; Aid and international development policy.
Areas of expertise:
Southeast Asian politics and foreign policy; South China Sea; regional economic trends; China-ASEAN relations; Indonesia; Malaysia; Vietnam; Hong Kong
Areas of expertise:
International economic policy; Asia Pacific economies; macroeconomics; economic development; aid and development finance; globalisation; geo-economics.
Areas of expertise:
China’s domestic politics; public opinion polling; human rights; Australian foreign policy; Taiwan; Indo-Pacific strategy