Shahar Hameiri

Shahar Hameiri is Associate Professor of International Politics and Australian Research Council Future Fellow in the School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland. He tweets @ShaharHameiri.

Learning the right lessons from Australia’s Covid response
The pandemic measures that took us from lucky country to locked-up country have their roots in 1980s neoliberalism.

Australia and Digicel: Hands-off no more?
Financing the takeover of a Pacific telco firm amounts to a marked shift in the government’s industrial philosophy.

Debunking the myth of China’s “debt-trap diplomacy”
Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence.

Covid-19: Why did global health governance fail?
Despite the existence of a “World Health Organization”, very limited collective capacity had developed previously.

China’s Pacific presence improves Australian aid
A funding shift towards infrastructure building, caused by Chinese competition, is welcome and well overdue.

The misunderstood AIIB
China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank clearly does not challenge the global governance status-quo.