The Lowy Institute Poll 2006: Australia, Indonesia and the world
The 2006 Lowy Institute Poll involved parallel public opinion surveys in Australia and Indonesia. The report contains responses from both countries to questions on foreign and security policy, global affairs, and each other.
The 2006 poll was conducted in partnership with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, which fielded parallel surveys in China, India and the United States.
‘Respondents felt that Indonesia was essentially controlled by the military, that Indonesia was a dangerous source of Islamic terrorism and that Australia was right to worry about Indonesia as a military threat.’
27 September 2006

Key Findings
- 'International terrorism’ and ‘the possibility of unfriendly countries becoming nuclear powers’ are considered critical threats by 73% and 70% of Australians respectively.
- 59% of Australians think Iran is trying to produce nuclear weapons.
- 84% of Australians feel ‘the threat of terrorism’ has not been reduced by the Iraq war.
Executive Summary
For a full PDF version of the poll, click here.