Graeme Smith

Dr Graeme Smith hosts The Little Red Podcast, is a research fellow at the College of Asia and the Pacific at the Australian National University and a visiting fellow at Sun Yatsen University's Centre for Oceania Studies. His research interests include local politics in rural China, China's engagement with the Pacific and the geopolitics of search engines.

Where did that Chinese police video come from?
Like governments everywhere, when a problem is out of control, they put on a show.

From “poop diggers” to allies: Chinese social media reacts to Nauru’s switch
Echoes of past positions continue to influence views of the Pacific Island nation.

Solomon Islands: cops bearing gifts
Australia and China offer the archipelago nation a grab bag of policing options that often miss the mark.

Erasing memory in China’s Tibet
The Chinese Communist Party is employing familiar tactics to assert its rule. When co-opting fails, coerce or silence.

Boys’ love brings edgy drama to China, and a backlash
As a genre, gay fiction has leapt from words to the screen with enormous popularity, but not beyond the censor’s reach.

Rumblings along the federal fault line in Solomon Islands
Reports of China “leasing an entire Pacific island” have again exposed provincial and central government divisions.

The wisdom of Solomons: Taiwan and China’s Pacific power play
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare offers an insight on the whys and why nots of diplomatic recognition.

Tiananmen’s “core” secret in the weeks that followed
New documents from weeks after the 1989 crackdown show grovelling officials set China on a path to today’s lonely rule.

Closing the umbrella? The verdict on democracy in Hong Kong
A case against a group of non-violent protestors will be read as a comment on China’s one country, two systems approach.