Andrew Selth
Dr Andrew Selth is an Adjunct Professor at the Griffith Asia Institute, at Griffith University, Brisbane, and author of numerous books, monographs and articles on Myanmar.
A collected volume of his Interpreter columns, Interpreting Myanmar: A Decade of Analysis, was recently published by ANU Press.

Myanmar’s war within a war: Informers and the trust deficit
In a country thick with spies and informers, suspicion can be crippling. History shows that confidence is hard to win back.

Myanmar: What the generals hear might not be what the world means
History holds lessons for the gap between perceptions and policies.

Three years on from the coup, what could help Myanmar’s opposition movement?
A range of practical measures could be taken. But the people of Myanmar seem destined to fend for themselves.

Beware sensational claims about Myanmar’s security environment
Heavy on gossip, rumour and anecdote, too many stories about the junta-led country lack verifiable evidence.

How credible are the casualty figures coming out of Myanmar?
The public relations war being waged in the international arena is just as important as the war being fought on the ground.

Are Western intelligence agencies “fuelling an armed rebellion” in Myanmar?
Espionage by its nature is difficult to prove – big claims should be judged carefully before leaping to conclusions.

Has history left Aung San Suu Kyi behind?
She may be imprisoned and politically weakened, but the former leader of Myanmar remains a potent symbol of power.

Myanmar’s intelligence war: the battle of wits and wiles against the junta
In a country where spies and informers have been ever-present, the opposition has built its own intelligence apparatus.

Chinese spy bases on Myanmar’s Great Coco Island? Here we go again
A little history should help dampen some wild speculation about eavesdropping facilities in the Indian Ocean.