Andrew O'Neil
Andrew O'Neil is Professor of Political Science at Griffith University. He is co-author (with Stephan Fruhling) of Partners in Deterrence: US Nuclear Weapons and Alliances in Europe and Asia (Manchester University Press, 2021). Before entering academia, Andrew worked as an intelligence analyst in Australia's Defence Department. In January 2023, he will take up the role of Executive Dean Business & Law at Australian Catholic University.

US-Australia alliance: beyond sentiment
Of supporters or sceptics alike, new research shows most Australians view the alliance via a cost-benefit analysis.

A “No-First-Use” doctrine would undermine American nuclear deterrence
And Australia should make clear to the Biden administration any such commitment is not in the interests of allies.

Nuclear Ban Treaty: Wishful thinking over realism
Lacking enforcement mechanisms or a practical path to elimination, the treaty has little chance of being effective.

The Australia-Japan relationship: Worthy of more reflection
Our complicated relationship with China and the implications of President Trump for Australia have eclipsed thoughtful reflection on the Australia-Japan relationship.
North Korea's dangerously rudimentary nuclear command-and-control systems
The prospects of North Korea using nuclear weapons are greater than generally acknowledged.

Why Australia and Japan need a Plan B
Major change is underway in the region and has been for some time.