Alan C. Tidwell

Alan C. Tidwell is currently the Director of the Center for Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Studies located in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. From 2001 through 2004 he was a program officer with the United States Institute of Peace, where he focused on conflict resolution and education. His area of specialization includes work on conflict in the Australasian region. Prior to joining the Institute in 2001, he was a senior lecturer in management at Macquarie Graduate School of Management in Sydney, Australia, where he taught courses in conflict resolution and negotiation. Tidwell served for several years as director (1995-97) and deputy director (1992-94) of the Centre for Conflict Resolution at Macquarie University and as acting executive director and research director (1994-95) of the Australian Centre for American Studies at Sydney University. In 1999, he was honored by Macquarie University with an Outstanding Teaching Award. Tidwell holds a Ph.D. in international relations from the University of Kent at Canterbury, England, a master of professional ethics from the University of New South Wales, and an M.S. in conflict resolution from George Mason University.