- Speaking at the launch of Christian Aid Week in Westminster on Sunday morning, former UK prime minister Gordon Brown set out a passionate defence of the international aid budget and the importance of the fight against global poverty, before addressing the themes behind the Brexit debate.
- In this piece, The Economist explains the existing parallel between the rise of populism and political polarisation in Latin America.
- Is there a relationship between climate finance and poverty reduction? This is the question to which Neil Bird tries to answer in his new research.
- A new report by the New York University Stern Center for Business and Human Rights affirms that Ethiopian clothes factory workers are, on average, the industry’s worst paid in the world. The entry-level pay is $26 a month, while the average Ethiopian monthly income is $65.
- How do you save a million people from a cyclone? Ask people at Odisha, in India.
- The Brookings Institute looks at the plan Russia has to halve poverty by 2024.
- Matthew Klein looks at the different method presented at the 16th annual Midwestern International Economic Development Conference, to describe and evaluate the Economics of Gender.
Aid links: fixing the climate to reduce poverty, more
A collection of links and stories from the aid and development sector.

Fishing off the islands of Tuvalu (Photo: Asian Development Bank/Flickr)
Published 15 May 2019
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